Sunday, January 31, 2010

I'm standing!!!

Bryce started standing unassisted yesterday. He can stand for about 7-10 seconds at a time. Mom and Dad are VERY excited and know walking won't be far behind!

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Splashing away...

Bryce enjoying splashing in the tub!


Bryce was playing peek-a-boo with his face and the hoodie towel after his bath this night.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Snuggling with daddy

Bryce still snuggles every once in a while with us. We enjoy these rare moments now more than ever!

NY Yankees blankie

Bryce loves his NY Yankees blankie.

Bryce's new face

One of Bryce's many new looks...he seems to be hiding all twelve of his beautiful teeth.

I'm walking....well, almost!

Bryce loves "walking" with daddy. He understands how to walk very well and often ends up getting so excited he starts running. Now he just needs to get the balance thing figured out!

Looking cute :)

Bryce relaxing in his baseball chair from Grammy and Grampy.

Snack Trap

Bryce got these new snack traps to try out and absolutely loves them. He enjoys snacking on Goldfish and Cheerios...and sometimes it can occupy him for quite a while. Unfortunately, he also enjoys crawling around with his hand in the snack trap at the same time, leaving a trail of snacks and Bryce at the end of the trail :)

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Friends :)

Bryce had his friend from church come visit this weekend for a day of fun. Bryce enjoyed showing him how all the toys worked and shared very nicely.

Friday, January 8, 2010


Bryce loves this frosty he got from Grampy and Grammy as a birthday present. He becomes very excited and waves his arms every time frosty appears. Recently, he started dancing and laughing when frosty sings.

Monday, January 4, 2010


Here's Bryce cruising with his new toy from Grampy and Grammy!

Snacks for later :)

Bryce got these new bibs as a Christmas present from Aunt Amy this year...he loves them...and mommy loves them too. They catch all the pieces of food that don't make it into Bryce's mouth in his excitement to eat. As you can see, Bryce loves to eat and then snack on what pieces are left in his bib a little later in the meal :)