Thursday, May 23, 2013

the water table

Bray loves to splash around in the water table...but when you find him trying to climb into the water table,  that's when you know he wants to go back into the kiddie pool :) 

Pool buddies!

The boys love playing outside in the pool.  Bray loves to splash and play...and Bryce loves to squirt Bray with water.  Luckily, this doesn't bother Bray one bit. They are great pool buddies.

Bryce's artwork

One of Bryce's favorite activities is drawing with sidewalk chalk in the driveway.  There are some pictures but mostly letters and words.  He wanted to make sure I took a picture of all of his art!

Out for a walk

Bryce loves to take walks around the neighborhood and always brings some sidewalk chalk to mark where we have been so we don't get lost :)

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Preschool song

Bryce learned this mother's day song and helped sing it to all the moms at preschool for mother's day.