Monday, June 27, 2011

Picking berries at PennVermont!

we decided to go pick some berries from our local growers this weekend. upon arriving at the counter and before heading out to pick berries bryce exclaimed to the woman at the stand "I want some strawberries and blueberries please!" We headed out to pick strawberries first which bryce did a great job with. he really just wanted to carry the container of strawberries around and count them as we added more to the container. We were both quite surprised that he didn't try to eat any of the berries. We moved on to black raspberries next...bryce kept wanting to pick the red ones on the bush (the strawberries, he said). when we told him you have to pick the black ones he gave it a try and didn't care for the berry juice on his hands. I took him out and he had a great time chatting with the owner of the place. He even enthusiastically recited his abc's for her!

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